by Caroline Breen Thorn | Dec 22, 2017 | beckylord, event props, giant light up letters, makingyourbusinessshine, vowed and amazed
Sooooo much behind the scenes work has been going on here at Vowed and Amazed, as we have been working with designer extraordinaire Becky Lord. I can’t tell Becky enough how enjoyable she made the whole process, which honesty is not the experience I’ve had...
by Caroline Breen Thorn | Sep 5, 2017 | bespoke props, event props, giant light up letters, hire wedding props, light up letters, London light up letters, prop hire, The Curious Collection, vowed and amazed
We are just terrible at keeping up with our blog! We’ve been so busy with Vowed and Amazed. We have had a lot of issues with less scrupulous companies making copies of our designs, it’s all enforceable of course but incredibly time consuming,...
by Caroline Breen Thorn | Apr 22, 2015 | bespoke wedding hire., funfair wedding, giant light up letters, Hire flamingos, Hire plastic flamingos, hire wedding props, Lawn flaningos, Pink Flamingos, vowed and amazed
We had a bit of fun shooting our Pink Lawn Flamingos the other day! Hire available from a pair to a whole flock! These flamingos are the genuine “Don Featherstone” design (with his signature), cast from the original molds created in 1957 by Union...
by Caroline Breen Thorn | Apr 11, 2015 | about us, bespoke wedding hire., giant light up letters, light up letters, light up signs, marquee letters, rock n' roll wedding, vowed and amazed, wedding props
Hi Y’all!We’ve been a bit quiet on here lately! We moved offices and have had lots of bespoke pieces to make in our workshops. Our giant light up letters are going great guns, and we have added a new piece to our collection… a sit on moon photo...
by Caroline Breen Thorn | Nov 25, 2014 | bespoke wedding hire., creative weddings, giant light up letters, hire wedding props, light up letters, vowed and amazed
We’ve got a new website and shop! Check it out here…….Light up letters, creative props and backdrops all at
by Caroline Breen Thorn | Mar 27, 2014 | giant light up letters, light up heart, light up letters, light up signs, love sign light up, vowed and amazed
Well….. We started as just one set of giant light up letters, which we made for our very own wedding. Both working in set design previously we used our skills to full effect on our big day decor and our theatrical prop company sprang from that happy...